In terms of its clinical features, it affects a population above 30 and contrary to a common misconception, it’s just as prevalent in males as females. In general, fair-skinned patients of Celtic descent are the highest at risk.
To identify the disease, I remember the acronym FAKE because its kinda like a fake acne. Don’t forget to like the video if your finding it helpful!
F stands for Flushing. This transient erythema can feel distressing to patients, especially in social situations.
A stands for acne like lesions. Rosacea classically causes papulopustular skin changes which are often mistaken as acne but does not cause significant blackheads.
K stands for knobbly nose. In severe cases, people can develop hypertrophic thickened skin, especially on the snout. This is called rhinophyma and is more common in older men.
Finally, E stands for eyes. Incredibly, at least half of patients with this condition develop ocular rosacea. This is basically when the eyelids get inflamed causing burning and dryness.