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Oesophageal Varices
Oesophageal varices are enlarged submucosal veins that can develop in patients with portal hypertension.
They can cause life-threatening oesophageal bleeding presenting in the form of massive hematemesis.
4 mnemonics of 4.
There are 4 differentials of hematemesis other than varies: peptic ulcers, Mallory Weiss tears, Oesophagitis, and non-GI bleeds
There are there are the 4 signs of liver cirrhosis which could indicate varices. ABC and D which stands for ascites, bumblebee coloured skin, caput medusae, and a history of drinking
There are 4 drugs to treat varices: APTT which stands for antibiotics,
PPI, terlipressin, and thiamine.
There are 4 interventions to consider: E triple T which stands for endoscopy, tamponade, TIPS and Transplant.
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