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Infective Endocarditis
  • Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infection of the internal lining of the heart, mostly affecting its valvular structures.

  • Its presentation is non-specific meaning its often missed.

  • The prognosis of IE is poor because infection easily spreads to other organs or parts of the heart.

On examination, specifically look for your patient’s MOJO.

Murmurs, which are found in up to 85% of patients

Osler nodes, or the ouchy nodes because they're the painful lesions on the fingers

Janeway lesions, which are painless plaques on the palms, and finally

Odd Splinters in the nails, referring to splinter haemorrhages

There are 5 Minor Criteria that form the FIVER acronym:

  1. Fever

  2. Immunological phenomena like Osler’s nodes

  3. Vascular phenomena like Janeway’s lesions

  4. Infection evidence with a single positive culture

  5. Risk factors for the disease like IV drug use.

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